What Are the Differences Between the Bicycle Motor Parts of 2-Stroke Engines and 4-Stroke Engines?

Bicycle Motors


Installing a bicycle motor kit on your bike enables you to pedal uphill without getting tired and sweaty. These motor kits can transform any road bike, mountain bike, or cruiser into a moped or electric bike, thus letting you decide when to coast and when to pedal.

Whether one goes for a 2-stroke engine or a 4-stroke engine is purely dictated by riding style, terrain, weight load, and personal choice. Those who need a faster top speed or those who primarily intend to commute might fancy a 2-stroke engine. Those who might need to cruise at slow speeds or those who pull a trailer might go for a 4-stroke engine.

Bicycle Motor Parts of 2-Stroke Engines:

A 2-Stroke engine runs smoother and cleaner at a faster speed. It is of a lighter weight.

A 2 Stroke Engine bicycle Engine Kit:

  • Bicycle Motors with 2-Stroke Engine are suitable for continuous cruising at consistent slow speeds. This normally causes quick carbon buildup, thus needing frequent maintenance.
  • 2-stroke engine needs gasoline with pre-mixed w/2-stroke oil prior to filling tanks. But, little maintenance is needed.
  • Clean exhaust ports and spark arrestor after a couple of thousand miles for the first time. It becomes less often after the engine breaks in.
  • It needs only three moving bicycle motor parts.
  • 2-stroke engines need 87 octane or non-Ethanol gasoline.

A 4 stroke bicycle Engine Kit:

  • A 4-stroke engine runs clean. It can cruise at lower speeds. It gets ample low-end torque at low speeds.
  • 4-stroke engines are not recommended to be driven at total full throttle for long hours. It is advisable to back off a little for continuous and consistent running.
  • You can enjoy the advantage of pulling a 4-stroke engine into the nearest service station when the bike is low on fuel. However, oil should be added occasionally and oil changes should be done periodically.
  • A 4-stroke engine has 11 moving bicycle motor parts. However, these parts would eventually need valve adjustments, usually after running a few thousands of miles. But, it depends upon the riding style of the biker.
  • A 4-stroke engine usually needs 87 octane or non-Ethanol gasoline as well as automotive oil. Oil level should always be checked when the engine is cooler. Before starting to check the level, the engine should be allowed to cool for at least 5 minutes to 10 minutes after a spree of running.


You can buy superior quality bicycle motor parts and bicycle motors from Golden Eagle Bike Engines at the most affordable prices.